Quality accordions for professionals and hobbyists.
AKORDIONI SALONG is active in the sale of Italian accordions both in Estonia and abroad. We offer high-quality chordons for beginners and professionals. For classical music artists and musicians playing folk music. The selection includes musett and classical tuned accordions, as well as concert accordions with a cassotto and chromatic bass. You have the opportunity to design the accordion according to your wishes. We advise you on the choice and purchase of a suitable instrument. We represent the sales of the Italian renowned companies BUGARI Armando, GIULIETTI, Zero Sette, Fisitalia, GIUSTOZZI, accordions in Estonia. We perform the repair of accordions, install microphones, etc. We also offer various belts, boxes and bags for accordions.
BUGARI Armando 260/CHC/C C-Griff
41 keys
120 standard bass
2+2/6 chorus
55 free bass E-La#
13+M register
GIULIETTI Classic 127 TC 2+2
7 600,00 € sis. KM41 keys
120 bass
2+2 reed blocks on right(bassoon & clarinet in cassotto)
5 reed blocks bases
11+M registers on right
7 bass registers
FISITALIA 120 bass Cassotto
5 799,00 € sis. KM41 treble keys
120 basses
2+2 treble reed blocks (cassotto bassoon , clarinet)
11+M treble registers
7 bass registers
FISITALIA 120 bass
4 880,00 € sis. KM41 treble keys
120 basses
11+Master treble registers
7 bass registers