BUGARI Armando Championfisa 120 bass

Monthly payment from 64.76 €
Minimum down payment from 0.00 €

2,800.00  sis. KM

41 treble keys F-A

120 bass

4 sets of treble reeds

5 sets of bass reeds

11+Master treble registers

7 bass registers

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Championfisa accordion of the well-known Italian company BUGARI Armando. The accordion is tuned to LMMH (Piccolo register), which is why it is ideal for a child studying at a music school and also for an adult musician who appreciates quality and reputation. The accordion has 4 choruses on the right and 5 choruses on the bass. There are 11 registers on the right hand and 7 on the bass. The keys and bass knobs are pearl white. The accordion has Cagnoni’s Tipo A Mano reeds. The set includes padded shoulder straps and a strong transport box. The accordion has a bellows guard.

Midi adapter is not included in the price.